Project Postmortem

What went well

Firstly, I believe the physics of the game turned out perfectly, blocks fall, collide, and bounce as they should. When blocks are stacked on top of each other, they lean and topple realistically as well. Secondly, the placing mechanic worked well. The mechanic allows player to move the block left and right, and rotate it before dropping it. It also displays the block that will be dropped at the selected rotation.

What to improve

Adding a feature that displays the next block that the player will have to drop would be an improvement, as it would allow the player to develop more of a strategy.

Bugs and issues

I encountered a bug that when the player dropped a block, the game would immediately retrieve its Y value, and increase the player's score - which is based on the height of the tower. The issue was the game was retrieving the block's Y value when its velocity was 0, which it is the frame that it gets dropped. So to fix it, I added a short delay before the check that checks the blocks velocity.

Design choices and iterations

This game was intended to be a physics-based game, therefore it was important that blocks interacted with each other realistically so that the game would meet the player's expectations of how the blocks interact.

The green area was implemented to show the player how wide the platform at the bottom is, which is helpful for when the camera moves up. The red area also indicates the this area is out of bounds. Combined, this lets the player know the area of play, and to not let blocks fall into the red area.

Get Stack 'Em

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