Brief Level Design Postmortem

Please check out the attached video (4 mins) for a more detailed walkthrough of this level design.

Catering to different heroes/play styles: Overwatch is a game featuring numerous different heroes with different abilities. And each hero can be played differently depending on a player’s play style. My level design was created with this in mind. For example, the level features close quarters spaces for short ranged heroes and players with a brawler play style. There are also more open spaces with longer sight lines that cater to snipers, and vertical cover to protect flying heroes. I have also catered to mobile heroes/flankers by providing multiple flank routes to the flag, and designing the level in such a way that there are routes only heroes with higher mobility can take. For example, needing a double jump to jump a gap. These routes are more mechanically demanding, and can feel rewarding to do, and can provide positional advantages or shortcuts.

Game balance: One issue that can come of a result of bad level design is making one hero/play style much more dominant than others. For example, having areas of high ground with cover overlooking a vast open space, which could cause snipers to become too dominant. To prevent such issues, this level design breaks up otherwise unfair sight lines with walls and cover, and placing sufficient cover in open spaces.

I have also made sure that there are multiple ways to reach any particular place in the level, so that players/teams cannot set up an impenetrable bunker, or dominate high ground with ease, this means that teams will have to worry about the opposition utilising other ways in.

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